3 Great Sources for Home Energy Videos

We’ve made a few videos here at Energy Vanguard and will be adding a lot more to our TheEnergyVanguard YouTube channel. Videos are great for learning about building science and home energy audits, so here are some of my favorite sources for home energy videos.
We’ve made a few videos here at Energy Vanguard and will be adding a lot more to our TheEnergyVanguard YouTube channel. Videos are great for learning about building science and home energy audits, so here are some of my favorite sources for home energy videos.
First up, Energy Circle makes a lot of homeowner-friendly videos on everything from smart power strips to ice dams. Energy Circle sells some of the products they make videos about and also, like us, they’re just interested in raising the level of understanding that we all have about these buildings we spend so much time in.
I think my favorite of their videos is The Interconnected House. Check it out.
Another great source of videos is the Green Dream Group. Corbett Lunsford knows his stuff and like Energy Vanguard, aims his content at both homeowners who want to know more and pros who go out and do home energy audits. Their YouTube channel has gotten over 266 thousand views as of today.
Here’s a great one they put together on what happens in a home energy audit.
Finally, the state of California has put together a whole lot of great videos on all kinds of home energy topics, from spray foam insulation to oversized air conditioners to renewable energy. Their site is easy to remember: It’s just energyvideos.com. They don’t make it so easy for me to embed one here, but you definitely want to check out their stuff.
Naturally, since I included only three sources in my article, there were others that probably should have made the list. Here are some that astute readers have mentioned in the comments below that deserve a spot up here. Do you know of other good videos on home energy, building science, HVAC, and the like? Put ’em in the comments.
WxTV, a great source for weatherization videos.
Best of Building Science, a great collection of videos with a lot of the stars in our industry (you know, John Proctor, Joe Lstiburek, David Keefe, Bruce Harley, et al.
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I also like http://www.wxtvonline
I also like http://www.wxtvonline.org. Some interesting stuff.
Elizabeth: Thanks! How did I forget that one?! When I get a chance, I’ll add it to the main article, too.
That is great. I wonder if
That is great. I wonder if you also know any good sites where homeowners can discuss home energy issues with other homeowners, and professionals.
Thanks for the references.
Thanks for the references.
I think as far as training installers goes, showing the actions needed is going to be more important than talking about it.
EnergyLogic will be posting a
EnergyLogic will be posting a series of videos starting this week. The focus is experiences that we’ve had in the field. I think you’ll like them. I’ll be posting as soon as they go live.
also www
also http://www.bestofbuildingscience.com
and http://www.energyvideos.com
There are a couple here that
There are a couple here that I made. Servicing an AC unit and optimizing it.
These are going to come down soon, but I will be moving these to my YouTube channel eventually.