4 Passive House Conference Talks I Can’t Wait to Hear

The 10th annual North American Passive House Conference is just around the corner. It’s in Chicago this year, a nice central location and also where the headquarters of the Passive House Institute US is located. I really enjoy this conference and always get to hear some high level talks there. Looking over the agenda for this year’s conference, these are the presentations I’m most looking forward to.
The 10th annual North American Passive House Conference is just around the corner. It’s in Chicago this year, a nice central location and also where the headquarters of the Passive House Institute US is located. I really enjoy this conference and always get to hear some high level talks there. Looking over the agenda for this year’s conference, these are the presentations I’m most looking forward to.
Bill Rose – The Attic War. I’ve been doing a lot of reading about attics lately, as you might suspect from the article I wrote two days ago: The Best Way to Cool Your Attic. Bill Rose, the author of the excellent book, Water in Buildings, knows a thing or two about attics, so I’m definitely going to be there for this one.
Dan Whitmore – Sanden CO2 Heat Pump. I got to see one of these new Sandens installed at my friend Gavin Healy’s house in California this summer. CO2 as a refrigerant is the way to go, and equipment that uses it is finally showing up in the US.
Joe Lstiburek & Achilles Karagiozis – The WUFI Chronicles. Always entertaining, these two have been going back and forth about WUFI since the 2012 Passive House conference, when Joe said you don’t need to use it. See my writeup of their WUFI session last November. But I lied. This is actually two separate presentations, given back-to-back.
Marc Rosenbaum – What We’re Learning About Mechanicals. Rosenbaum is amazing. I always learn some new stuff but also get to see how the mind of a first-rate engineer works when he presents. I’m sure this one will be no exceptions.
Check out the full agenda of breakout sessions and preconference sessions, and you’re bound to find some stuff that you’d love to hear, too.
You’re going to be at the conference, right? If you haven’t registered yet, get over there and do it now!
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Hey Allison, I’ll be
Hey Allison, I’ll be presenting on PHIUS+ Rater lessons learned from the field about work I’ve done on the Orchards at Orenco project (the largest MF PH in the US). Please introduce yourself if make it to mine!
Hey, Ryan, it looks like you
Hey, Ryan, it looks like you’re opposite Bill Rose so I probably won’t make it to your talk. I’m sure I’ll run into you at the conference, though. You can always just look for the tallest guy there. That’s Brandon, and he knows what I look like. Not only that, but he can see over the whole crowd and find me quickly.