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A December Building Science Bonanza

Better Buildings Business Conference Chicago Action Packed

Let me drop a few names on you: John Straube, Peter Yost, Scott Pigg, Keith Williams. Impressed? If you know who those folks are, you probably realize how much you could learn from them. If you don’t recognize the names, that’s an even better reason for you to come to the Better Buildings: Better Business conference in Chicago. Those four guys are some of the top repositories—and creators—of building science knowledge in North America.

Let me drop a few names on you: John Straube, Peter Yost, Scott Pigg, Keith Williams. Impressed? If you know who those folks are, you probably realize how much you could learn from them. If you don’t recognize the names, that’s an even better reason for you to come to the Better Buildings: Better Business conference in Chicago. Those four guys are some of the top repositories—and creators—of building science knowledge in North America.

OK. If the name approach doesn’t work, how about some of the topics:

Spray foam insulation: what to use, when, and how by Peter Yost

Understanding moisture dynamics in residential construction by James Wells, PhD

Mechanical systems for low-load housing by John Straube

Who here couldn’t stand to learn more about these topics? I know I could.

In addition to those speakers and talks, you can catch Corbett Lunsford doing his thing with talks on multifamily blower door testing and energy efficiency programs. And if you want to find Click to download the session grid for the Better Buildings: Better Business conference in Chicagoout why his videos are so good, his wife, Grace Lunsford, is leading a hands-on YouTube workshop on video marketing for home performance.

I’ll be giving two talks there as well:

Become a building enclosure control freak, a talk I’ve done several times this year already

The evolving building science behind R-value, a new presentation to fill you in on some of the cool things about heat flow you might not know yet

If you still think this conference may not be for you, take their online quiz to see how well you know your stuff.

It’s going to be a great conference, and it’s just around the corner. If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time to do so. Hie thee hence and get yourself signed up! Compared to many other conferences in our field, this one’s a steal. The conference isn’t far off; it happens on 10-11 December, and the conference hotel is right next to Chicago’s O’Hare airport.

And if you don’t get enough at this conference, you can do like I’m doing and jet off to Massachusetts to catch the second day of Building Science Corporation’s Experts’ Session on 12 December. Joe Lstiburek will spend the whole day talking about ventilation, using Will Rogers and Donald Rumsfeld as his guides.


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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Oh, darn! You’re on at the
    Oh, darn! You’re on at the same time as I am! I’ll be presenting Enhancing the Learning Environment for Visual Learners, then demos the rest of the time.  
    As you pointed out, there are going to be so many great sessions at this conference, it’ll be tough to chose which ones to attend. I guess I’ll have to catch your session and a few others on video after the conference. See you there!

  2. Dale S.:
    Dale S.: Dang! I hadn’t really checked out the times yet. I just noticed that we’re both on at the same time as Joe Nagan talking about ventilation product and control options, another great topic, and Peter Yost’s spray foam talk I mentioned above. I agree: It will indeed be difficult to decide which sessions to attend. The Energy Center of Wisconsin has done a great job putting this all together.

  3. Any chance you’ll be
    Any chance you’ll be repeating this conference on the West Coast? We’d love to have you in Seattle!

  4. Denise G.:
    Denise G.: This conference is hosted by the Energy Center of Wisconsin, and I doubt they’ll be putting on conferences out West. I’d be happy to come speak in Seattle, though. (I lived there for a few years in the ’80s.) Check out my speaker page for more info.

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