Building Science Blogger Reaches Crazy Milestone on Special Day!

Yesterday was a special day in the Energy Vanguard blog. You may not realize it, but it was the 211th article we’ve published here since I started it 16 months ago. Does that number mean anything to you?
Yesterday was a special day in the Energy Vanguard blog. You may not realize it, but it was the 211th article we’ve published here since I started it 16 months ago. Does that number mean anything to you?
Of course! That’s exactly what I thought when I looked at the list of articles and saw that it was number 211. So I did my test for divisibility by 3: 2 + 1 + 1 = 5, nope, not divisible by 3. I thought it had the smell of one, so then I looked it up and found that indeed, 211 is a prime number!
But wait. It gets even better. Three years ago when I started Energy Vanguard, I was 47 years old. 47 is also a prime number! OK, this is getting kind of weird…and it gets even spookier. If you take the digits of 47 and add them up, you get 11 — you guessed it, another prime number.
And what was yesterday’s date? 7/27. Yes, 727 is a prime number. The year? 2011, also a prime number! I really don’t know if I can handle this.
How deep does this rabbit hole go? And what does it all mean? I’m sure you’re way ahead of me on this next step, but what was yesterday’s article about? Energy modeling! REM/Rate! Huge data sets! Looking at numbers and trying to understand their meaning!!!
I’m really trying to restrain myself from YELLING THROUGH THE CAPSLOCK KEY here because I think I’ve hit on something really important. And just in time, too, because next week is Building Science Summer Camp. I’m going to ask Michael Blasnik and Joe Lstiburek to take a look at these numbers because there’s something really freaky about all this.
It’s almost like this whole thing is being invented by aliens.
Or maybe I’m channeling John Forbes Nash during one of his numerological, schizotypal chalkboard frenzies at Princeton University in the ’70s.
Photo at top by JOPHIELsmiles from, used under a Creative Commons license. Alien photo by gray_um from, used under a Creative Commons license.
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You just blew my mind.
BCAP: Don’t worry. I blew mine, too!
I think I really would’ve
I think I really would’ve enjoyed reading this article, but I simply couldn’t get past staring at the lovely ladies in the first photo. Oh, well…..
John P.:
John P.: Hey, resorting to photos of beautiful, smiling women to help draw people in isn’t beneath me. Whatever it takes! But if you didn’t read the article, that means you missed the triple integration, partial differential equations, and chi-squared best-fit analysis.
I’ll avert my eyes, and try
I’ll avert my eyes, and try again…
Awesome! I love madness like
Awesome! I love madness like this… if you love that, then here’s one for you hockey fans out there…
Janvin: Holy schmoley! If I thought my mind was blown before, I can’t begin to tell you what state it’s in after watching that. But you’re wrong about one thing – You don’t have to be a hockey fan to get the point of that video. I’d also like to point out that the number he ended up with, 79, is a prime number as well as having significance for Sidney Crosby.
Anyway, here’s a direct link for anyone who want to click over and watch that fantastic video right now:
Sidney Crosby with Shaun Majumder
It’s pretty freakish but
It’s pretty freakish but nothing to compare the way they talk here in Boston… Yesterday I bought a dictionary to learn how to pronounce, PeeBLEE (Peabody), WATAH (Water) & CAH (Car)… ;-))
Sorry, my mistake… I should
Sorry, my mistake… I should pronounce PeeBdly…(Peabody)
They say Dogs hear:
They say Dogs hear:
blah blah blah walk
blah blah blah hungry?
blah blah blah Name
blah blah blah sit.
Are Allison’s readers different? Hmmm….
Blah blah blah, pretty girls.
more words, no more pictures, go back to the beginning.
I just injured myself trying
I just injured myself trying to follow along. But thanks for posting that picture of me at the top! And I DON”T mean the eyeball one!