Classic Works of Building Science Literature

Yesterday was Energy Efficiency Day. I saw a lot tweets on the topic, and the photo above, showing the movie poster for The Insulated Man, was in one of them. That, of course, got me thinking about other classic works of literature related to energy and building science. For example, have you read these other works by Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and other great building science fiction writers?
- Something Humid This Way Comes
- The Latent Chronicles
- The Green Buildings of Earth
- Stranger in a Strange Attic
- The Positronic Manometer
- The Energy Auditor’s Guide to the Galaxy
- The Crawl Space at the End of the Universe
Beyond building science fiction, there’s a whole world of classic building science literature:
- Fifty Pascals of Solitude
- The Lord of the Blower Door Rings
- Alice’s Adventures in Passivehouseland
- The Thirty-Nine Steps to the Basement
- A Thermal Bridge Too Far
- The Scarlet Ladder
- Wuthering Lights
Oh, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to catch up on all the great works of building science literature! What are your favorites? Which ones did I miss?
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for the kids…Thermal Bridge
for the kids…Thermal Bridge to Terabithia
Oh, yeah. I skipped over the
Oh, yeah. I skipped over the whole genre of children’s building science literature. Another great one is “Thermal Bridge is Falling Down.”
Whoops…didn’t mean to copy.
Whoops…didn’t mean to copy…how about: A Tale of Two Flashing Details
Sci-Fi classic I, R Camera.
Sci-Fi classic I, R Camera. Are you accepting plays? Because I was always a fan of SEERano de Bergerac.
Of course we’re accepting
Of course we’re accepting plays. If it’s literature, it’s fair game. Which means there’s also comic books and graphic novels, too.
My favorites are:
My favorites are:
“Psychrometrics Runs Through It”
“A Tale of Two Enthalpies”
Two excellent additions!
Two excellent additions! Thanks, Cameron.
I think “Lord of the Blower
I think “Lord of the Blower Door Rings” wins.
I’m stretching a bit and I really need to be doing work, but:
2001 CFM An Air Infiltration Odyssey
Pride and Static Pressure
Lord of the Blower Door Rings
Lord of the Blower Door Rings, eh, Leigha? That’s definitely a good one, but my two favorites are The Crawl Space at the End of the Universe and Fifty Pascals of Solitude. If I had to choose one, I’d go with the latter.
1.984 ACH50
1.984 ACH50
Good one, Bill! I was trying
Good one, Bill! I was trying to figure out how to use Orwell’s class but couldn’t come up with anything.
I’m pretty sure Ray Bradbury
I’m pretty sure Ray Bradbury wrote a non-fiction companion piece to Fahrenheit 451, in conjunction with Lew Harriman and Terry Brennan…
…called Dewpoint 55
An Inconvenient Draft
An Inconvenient Draft
Sense and Sensible Heat
The Count of Magnehelics
The Adventures of Tom “The Tool Man” Taylor
The Great Gasping for Air
Of Mice and Men Who Foam their Holes
Some titles are more accurate than we thought:
Great Expectations
Les Miserables
Of course, we need to sell energy efficiency, so you’ll need “The Art of the Spiel.” Not exactly a classic, though.
Speaking of Orwell, how about
Speaking of Orwell, how about his oddly timely memoir, “Homage to Battalonia”?
Haha!! Here are a few more
Haha!! Here are a few more for the shelf:
Do Auditor’s Dream of Infrared Sheep?
Condensation and its Discontents
The Island of Dr. Joe
Crawl of the Wild
Duct Dynasty
Body Heat, ‘two thumbs up’ from critic R.Bean
Allison in Wonderland