Matt Risinger’s Building Science Summer Camp Interviews

August for me is dominated by Building Science Summer Camp. It’s a great event with lots of learning, great discussions, and meeting friends, old and new. I’ll be writing about Dr. Chris Timusk’s presentation on his OSB research later and possibly one or two other topics. Hal Levin spoke most of Tuesday, and, after his rambling, two-hour introduction, his talk on indoor air pollution was full of useful information. Today, though, let me just give you this nice little video that Matt Risinger put together from interviews he did with me, Joe Lstiburek, and Mark Laliberte.
August for me is dominated by Building Science Summer Camp. It’s a great event with lots of learning, great discussions, and meeting friends, old and new. I’ll be writing about Dr. Chris Timusk’s presentation on his OSB research later and possibly one or two other topics. Hal Levin spoke most of Tuesday, and, after his rambling, two-hour introduction, his talk on indoor air pollution was full of useful information. Today, though, let me just give you this nice little video that Matt Risinger put together from interviews he did with me, Joe Lstiburek, and Mark Laliberte.
Yeah, you’re right. That’s not my normal voice. Matt caught me after I’d already had two late nights there (and one early one because you gotta do Sunday night right) and too many drinks. I also got a bit nervous while he was shooting, so I’m glad he showed only the good parts of what I said and then made me look even better by including me with two guys who really know what they’re talking about.
If you want to see what the sessions were like, you can download most of the presentations from the Building Science Corporation website. Also, the Twitter stream for #bscamp was occasionally slow but would burst forth with blazingly fast activity as the tweeters in the room all raced to see who could be first to tweet the most tweetable tidbits, like Hal Levin’s, “You’re carrying around 5 pounds of mold and bacteria right now, and you couldn’t be alive without them.”
As usual, the presentations were great, but the table talk in Joe’s backyard was better. (I didn’t take many photos this year, so the one above is from last year.) Next year we’ll do it all again. In the meantime, if you need a building science fix, check out these 5 fabulous learning opportunities. Now, I’ve got to get back to that book I was reading, Understanding Psychrometrics by my friend Don Gatley.
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Great stuff Allison! I
Great stuff Allison! I really missed being there this year…. at least I made the photo (well the one from last year, that is)…
Thanks for sharing, Allison!
Thanks for sharing, Allison!
When you stuck your face in the camera, you frightened my visiting youngest son!
He’s 38.
Best wishes.