The Blower Door Man Is Coming to Town

Martin Holladay, the famous Energy Nerd from Green Building Advisor and one of my favorite building science geeks, outdid himself this year with his building science variations of famous Christmas carols. Our friends at Energy Circle, who are much more musically talented than I, accepted the implicit challenge and actually recorded one of the songs. It just so happens that they picked my favorite of Martin’s variations, so let me present The Blower Door Man is Coming to Town with Greg Cutler from the Energy Circle Lounge:
Martin Holladay, the famousEnergy Nerd from Green Building Advisor and one of my favorite building science geeks, outdid himself this year with his building science variations of famous Christmas carols. Our friends at Energy Circle, who are much more musically talented than I, accepted the implicit challenge and actually recorded one of the songs. It just so happens that they picked my favorite of Martin’s variations, so let me present The Blower Door Man is Coming to Town with Greg Cutler from the Energy Circle Lounge:
Now, if you follow me on Twitter (@EnergyVanguard), you may recall that I said I wasn’t going to write anything else in the blog till the new year, but I just couldn’t resist. Besides, this wouldn’t be nearly as timely in two weeks. (If you’re not following me on Twitter, I invite you to do so now. I’ll follow you back, too, as long as I can tell that you’re a real human and not a Twitter spambot. If you’re a robot unicorn, though, I’ll still follow you.)
Happy holidays, all!
Postscript: Actually, this article would be very appropriate for the new year because we’ve got a new energy code here in Georgia that starts on 1 January. It puts Georgia on the map, too, because, get this, it requires all new homes to have a Blower Door test!
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I’m a Twitter FanBot. Not
I’m a Twitter FanBot. Not exactly a spambot, not exactly human either. Is that close enough? Besides, if this is your favorite carol, you ARE such a major math & science geek, which means you’d enjoy bot tinkering. I’ve heard unicorns taste like chicken!
Yeah, that’ll do, Alexandra.
Yeah, that’ll do, Alexandra. Besides, I’m already following you. And yes, I think most people who know me would say I’m a major math & science geek, but with a twist. And I’d’ve thought that unicorn tastes more like hippogriff. They have a very low boiling point, however, so they usually evaporate before you can get them into your mouth.