The Energy Vanguard Blog’s Silliest Articles of 2011

Most of my writing here in the Energy Vanguard blog is deadly serious. I write the articles with my brow deeply furrowed, fretting over all the energy that’s wasted and comfort opportunities missed because of the problems with the way we build homes and install HVAC systems. But sometimes I just can’t help myself and the weirdest stuff emerges from my fingertips, jumps into my laptop, and spreads out through the Interwebs.
Most of my writing here in the Energy Vanguard blog is deadly serious. I write the articles with my brow deeply furrowed, fretting over all the energy that’s wasted and comfort opportunities missed because of the problems with the way we build homes and install HVAC systems. But sometimes I just can’t help myself and the weirdest stuff emerges from my fingertips, jumps into my laptop, and spreads out through the Interwebs.
Often, when I write these silly articles, I have trouble finishing because I’m killing myself laughing. Once or twice, I believe, other people have found them funny, too. So, here are the ones that made me laugh this past year.
Allison A. Bailes III, PhD – Building Science Guru, Juggler, Writer
Occasionally, I participate in something called Let’s Blog Off, where, every other Tuesday, any blogger who wants to do so can write an article on the designated topic. Usually, I write one when I see a topic that I just can’t resist, meaning that the article writes itself inside me and jumps out into the blog whether I want it to or not. One Tuesday last January, the assignment was to write your own obituary, and this was mine. Evidently it was a bit too realistic because we got calls from concerned readers. Maybe they didn’t read the whole thing, though. I thought that last line kinda gave it away.
RESNET Enters into Strategic Alliance with Int’l Jugglers Association
When I spoke at the RESNET conference in February, I was standing in front of the room juggling while waiting for the session to start. Someone made a comment about it, and I remarked that RESNET was creating a new designation called Home Energy Juggler. That sowed the seed for this April Fools’ Day post.
Where the #@$%& Did THAT Come from?
Another Let’s Blog Off post, the topic of which was, where do your ideas come from. I still like my last answer the best.
Building Science Blogger Reaches Crazy Milestone on Special Day!
I’m not a numbers person in the way that David Butler or Michael Blasnik are. This article should make that clear.
Joe Lstiburek Is the Devil!
Written at about 2 am in my hotel room last summer while I was at Building Science Summer Camp. Peter Troast of Energy Circle had fallen asleep with his iPad on top of him in the bed next to mine, and I had an idea that wouldn’t let go. At the end of Summer Camp, Joe asked me if I’d be coming back next year.
Are You a Building Science Geek, Nerd, Dork, or Dweeb?
Ever since I saw that Venn diagram a couple of years ago, I knew I’d use it somewhere. Prior to that, I’d only gone as far as thinking that a nerd was a geek with glasses.
Naked People Need Building Science
Not only did this make the list of most controversial articles of 2011, but it’s here, too. When an article that I write keeps me laughing, it has to make the list, right?
Honorable Mention
Learn the Lingo – Air Conditioning Terminology & Tidbits
This one wasn’t actually a funny article. This was a furrowed-brow article, but then Carl Seville, aka the Green Curmudgeon, woke up feeling funny that day and made a mockery of all my hard work. It was pretty dang funny, though. See his parodies of my definitions in the first comment. How he defined ACCA is my favorite.
Finally, because I didn’t do this last year and because it’s become a kind of classic, I’m going to add one from 2010 to the list, too.
I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Building Science Summer Camp!
I think this might be my very first silly blog post here. It also got me the invitation that I was after — and it came directly from Joe Lstiburek in the comments of the article!
Well, I hope that made you laugh, at least a little bit. And if not, there’s always that video of the two-legged horse on YouTube.
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Still with the horse??? Ha,
Still with the horse??? Ha, ha, ha…you just can’t let go, can you? So, how do you determine a load bearing wall? Thanks!
Don’t I get credit for
Don’t I get credit for turning your post on HVAC definitions in to a silly post?
Catherine: Yeah, that two-legged horse still cracks me up. To determine if a wall load-bearing, tear it out and see if the ceiling caves in where the wall used to be.*
Curmudgeon: I did actually consider including that one, but then since it was you being funny instead of me, I decided against it. But you’re right—it should be in there. I’ll go ahead and list it as an Honorable Mention in the article.
*Disclaimer #1: Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, nothing contained in or through the website constitutes, nor is intended to constitute, good advice, wise counsel, or correct reasoning of any kind.
The content provided on this site is presented as a courtesy to be used only for informational or entertainment purposes and is not represented to be error free. Energy Vanguard, LLC (“EV”) makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its content, such representations and warranties being expressly disclaimed. EV does not warrant that, should you follow the advice given here, your house will not fall down.
Moreover, EV does not represent or warrant that the content of its website is accurate, complete or current for any specific or particular purpose or application. EV encourages you to contact appropriate professional(s) and consultant(s) to assess your specific needs and circumstances and to render such advice accordingly. In addition, EV is not endorsing or recommending the use of the means or methods contained on or through this site for any special or particular purpose.
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Disclaimer #2: Uh…that comment was a joke. Get a professional to look at your house before tearing out a wall.
I’m so glad I know you.
I’m so glad I know you. Happy New Year!