Will You Be at BE? NESEA’s Building Energy Conference, That Is

Michael Blasnik. Joe Lstiburek. Katrin Klingenberg. Jigar Shah. Linda Wigington. Alex Wilson. The Building Energy conference in Boston next week has some big names. A lot of smart people doing great work will be there, and the list of topics covered hits all the big issues: deep energy retrofits, net zero energy homes, Passivhaus, mini-split heat pumps, ventilation…
Michael Blasnik. Joe Lstiburek. Katrin Klingenberg. Jigar Shah. Linda Wigington. Alex Wilson. The Building Energy conference in Boston next week has some big names. A lot of smart people doing great work will be there, and the list of topics covered hits all the big issues: deep energy retrofits, net zero energy homes, Passivhaus, mini-split heat pumps, ventilation…
Here are just a few of the sessions that caught my eye:
Energy vs. Water, by John Tooley, on the looming water crisis and how we save water when we save energy
Spec This…Not That, by Bruce Coldham, Tristan Roberts, and Amanda Sturgeon, on how to pick the products and materials that really are green and not merely greenwash
Fun with Home Performance Data, by Michael Blasnik and Kate Goldstein, on how what we think we know doesn’t always match up well with the way things really are
The opening keynote addresses should be great, too. Amanda Sturgeon from the Living Future Institute will discuss what is often described as the toughest and most comprehensive green building standard, the Living Building Challenge. Following her will be Gina McCarthy from the US EPA, who will speak about how federal policies will affect what we do with buildings.
Building Energy began as a regional conference with more of an emphasis on solar energy and cold climates, but there’s so much good information on so many topics now that just about anyone working with buildings can benefit.
I’ll be there. Will you?
Click to visit Building Energy website.
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Water and Energy for sure!
lowest electric bills, but no doubt most other users are well into tiers where advice from energy auditors on reducing consumption would be welcome. Time to put another ball cap in the bag of tricks!
Water and Energy for sure!
We are in the absolute bottom tier of water/sewage rates in our community and in fact, because of the billing structure and all of the individual charges being “fixed”, we have no financial incentive to reduce our use. Of course we are careful with water for all the other good reasons.
$52/month is closing in on