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HVAC Design Data Collection Forms

Collect and provide the following data for Energy Vanguard to perform an accurate Manual J HVAC load calculation.

New Homes

  1. Plan Set (preferably DWG otherwise PDF)
  2. Energy Vanguard data collection form fillable pdf (2 pages)


  1. Plan Set or floor plan

    (sample hand drawn floor plans)
  2. Energy Vanguard Data data collection form fillable pdf (2 pages)
  3. Pictures – elevation, fixed shading or overhangs for windows and doors, other useful or explanatory pictures.

Key Items

Every house is different, but generally speaking some items have a greater impact on the accuracy of the load calculation. Information you will need to collect in order of relative importance.

  1. Windows, glass doors and skylights sizes and glazing information
  2. Fixed shading for windows, glass doors and skylights
  3. Duct location
  4. Insulated ceilings
  5. Infiltration rate or estimated rate
  6. Ventilation equipment and rate
  7. Insulated floors
  8. Insulated walls
  9. Internal gains

There will be items you don’t know, like wall insulation levels in a renovation or window values for a new house, in the design phase. These items can be estimated at the appropriate levels for the year and building codes and if needed, bracketed with a better/worse scenario.

Energy Vanguard can help you with a complete HVAC design. Fill in the form above right to find out more.

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