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Energy Vanguard Offers RESNET Combustion Safety Class for HERS Raters

RESNET Combustion Safety & Workscope Development Training For HERS Raters

RESNET combustion safety & workscope development training for HERS ratersRESNET, in case you haven’t heard, will require all HERS raters to be certified in combustion safety and work scope development. Yep. All new raters trained in 2014 will need to demonstrate those skills before they can be certified. Raters who were already certified prior to this year, as well as rater candidates coming into 2014, will need to add this to their certification before 2015. How does one do that?

RESNET, in case you haven’t heard, will require all HERS raters to be certified in combustion safety and work scope development. Yep. All new raters trained in 2014 will need to demonstrate those skills before they can be certified. Raters who were already certified prior to this year, as well as rater candidates coming into 2014, will need to add this to their certification before 2015. How does one do that?

Well, it’s really quite simple. As a HERS rater, you have to pass two tests: a 25 question multiple choice test and an online combustion safety and work scope development simulation test.

The multiple choice test is in the same format as the National HERS Rater Test. You have to get 80% correct (20 out of 25) to pass. The questions cover the RESNET protocols on combustion safety and work scope development (in chapter 8 of the HERS Standards) as well as some of the basic building science undelying these skills.

The online simulation requires you to go through a house and show that you know, at least in the form of a computer game, how to test for gas leaks, set up the house for worst-case depressurization, measure carbon monoxide levels, and more. You get points for the various tasks you complete, and 85% is a passing score.

With enough practice, both tests are relatively easy. To help you meet this new requirement quickly and affordably, Energy Vanguard has set up three ways for you to pass the two tests:

  • Option I: Tests only If you’ve been certified already as a BPI Building Analyst or Envelope Professional and are confident in your ability to do combustion safety testing and work scope development, this may be your best option. You simply study on your own, and we’ll proctor the two exams for you right after the RESNET conference

  • Option II: One-day class + tests For those who would like a few hours of a refresher course to help you understand the RESNET protocols and to practice with RESCAZ, the online combustion safety testing simulation.

  • Option III: Two-day class + tests For those who don’t have training in combustion safety testing and work scope development. We’ll spend a day and a half teaching you the basics and getting you up to speed with RESCAZ, and then you’ll take the two tests. 

You can get the full scoop on our three options and register for the class on the info and registration page:

learn more resnet combustion safety work scope development class

If you’re coming to Atlanta for the RESNET conference, this would be a great way for you to get this taken care of early and conveniently.



As of 23 January 2014, the HERS Standards do not require the new combustion safety skills, but RESNET is working quickly to get it added. It was supposed to be in the updated training and certification requirements but the language was not clear so RESNET is working to fix it now. This new requirement was supported overwhelmingly by the HERS trainers in attendance at the 2012 Trainers’ Roundtable, and we have no doubt that it will be required of all new and existing raters this year.

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