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Start 2013 with an Energy Vanguard Home Energy Auditor/Rater Class

Blower Door Hers Rater Diane Milliken Horizon Maine

blower door hers rater diane milliken horizon maineEnergy Vanguard’s first classes of 2013 are open for registration: the 4-day BPI Building Analyst class in mid-January and our 8-day Home Energy Rater class beginning on 30 January. If you sign up soon, you can save $100 on the cost of the classes.

Energy Vanguard’s first classes of 2013 are open for registration: the 4-day BPI Building Analyst class in mid-January and our 8-day Home Energy Rater class beginning on 30 January. If you sign up soon, you can save $100 on the cost of the classes.

Here are a few details and motivations for you:

  • Both classes held at a convenient location in Atlanta, GA
  • Both trainers are experienced and knowledgeable.
  • Our pass rate on the National HERS Rater Test was 95% in 2012 and 91% since we began training.
  • Energy Vanguard has one of the best reputations in the industry for home energy auditor or rater training.
  • You can finance the class through PayPal with a payment plan that allows you to make no payments and pay no interest for 6 months (if you qualify).
  • Classes are generally small enough that you get personal attention but large enough to learn from your classmates.

In addition, Energy Vanguard classes are fun! We play Psychrometric Chart Simon Says, a game we invented. We bring in guest speakers like Jason Payne to talk about Energy Efficient joe lstiburek allison bailes turbo thermo encabulator max videoMortgages and Don Gatley, author of the classic textbook, Understanding Psychrometrics. We have an instructor (Dr. Allison Bailes) known for his offbeat sense of humor. (See his ridiculous article on the Turbo Thermo-Encabulator Max, which he just turned into a video with Dr. Joseph Lstiburek, the alleged inventor of this mythical device.)

Richard Pedranti, an architect in Pennsylvania, did his research and decided to take our HERS rater class. He emailed ahead of time to say:

Your Hers training looks like the best around. I look forward to learning from Allison and the team at Energy Vanguard.

If you’d like to join the growing ranks of those trained by one of the best training providers in the US, here are quick descriptions and links for the two classes:

BPI Building Analyst Class

Quick Description: An entry level energy auditor certification used by many government and utility programs. Heavy emphasis on combustion safety.
Dates: 14-17 January 2013
Early Bird Deadline: 21 December 2012 – Save $100!

learn more bpi building analyst training class

HERS Rater Class

Quick Description: An entry level/intermediate energy auditor certification used in qualifying ENERGY STAR homes and Energy Efficient Mortgages. Includes energy modeling with accredited software.
Dates: 30 January – 8 February 2013
Early Bird Deadline: 30 December 2012 – Save $100!

learn more hers home energy rater training class

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Yeah…I hear that Bailes guy
    Yeah…I hear that Bailes guy is almost as much of a whack job as Joe Lstiburek. 
    folks with no sense of humor should stay far far away.  
    LOL! y’all have fun. 
    & congrats on the pass rate of your classes!

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