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11 Building Science Secrets Every Home Builder & Remodeler Should Know

Posted by on 2013-07-30

Overall, the state of the construction industry is improving. A lot of home builders and remodelers are learning, either out of interest or coercion, about building science and how to apply it to their work. Overall, the state of the…

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Setting The Thermostat To The Fan

Do Programmable Thermostats Save Energy?

Posted by on 2013-07-19

I see people misrepresenting programmable thermostat concepts all the time, so let's set the record straight here and now. Yes, when you set the thermostat back so your air conditioner or heating system doesn't run as much, you can save…

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Crawl Space Duct System Moisture Mold Nasty Iaq

Beautiful Duct System in a Beautiful Crawl Space! Was I Dreaming?

Posted by on 2013-06-28

I've seen a lot of nasty crawl spaces. I've squirmed through their squalor and squeezed through their narrow confines. Possums, snakes, spiders, and camel crickets have kept me company in the dank, musty underworlds that so many people live above.…

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